







フィリピン民法の条文はこちら(Republic Act No. 386)


フィリピン家族法の条文はこちら(Executive Order No. 209, s. 1987)







Article 962.
In every inheritance, the relative nearest in degree excludes the more distant ones, saving the right of representation when it properly takes place.


Relatives in the same degree shall inherit in equal shares, subject to the provisions of article 1006 with respect to relatives of the full and half blood, and of article 987, paragraph 2, concerning division between the paternal and maternal lines. (912a)





CDはAの直系卑属なので、Aを代襲相続する(972条)。CDはAが相続するはずであった部分について同一の割合で相続する(per stirpes,974条)


Article 972. The right of representation takes place in the direct descending line, but never in the ascending.


Article 974. Whenever there is succession by representation, the division of the estate shall be made per stirpes, in such manner that the representative or representatives shall not inherit more than what the person they represent would inherit, if he were living or could inherit. (926a)


Article 977. Heirs who repudiate their share may not be represented. (929a)








Article 966.
In the line, as many degrees are counted as there are generations or persons, excluding the progenitor.


In the direct line, ascent is made to the common ancestor. Thus, the child is one degree removed from the parent, two from the grandfather, and three from the great-grandparent.


In the collateral line, ascent is made to the common ancestor and then descent is made to the person with whom the computation is to be made. Thus, a person is two degrees removed from his brother, three from his uncle, who is the brother of his father, four from his first cousin, and so forth. (918a)






Article 985. In default of legitimate children and descendants of the deceased, his parents and ascendants shall inherit from him, to the exclusion of collateral relatives. (935a)







Art. 991. If legitimate ascendants are left, the illegitimate children shall divide the inheritance with them, taking one-half of the estate, whatever be the number of the ascendants or of the illegitimate children.









Article 979.
Legitimate children and their descendants succeed the parents and other ascendants, without distinction as to sex or age, and even if they should come from different marriages.


An adopted child succeeds to the property of the adopting parents in the same manner as a legitimate child. (931a)


なおDomestic Adoption Act of 1998(国内の養子縁組に関する法律)によれば、養子は嫡出子と同様に扱われ(17条)、相続においても同様である旨が規定されている(18条)


日本の民法では普通養子縁組を行っても、実親と実子の関係は切断されないが、Domestic Adoption Act of 1998の16条によると、縁組により実親子関係が切断される。よって実親子間では遺言などがない限り相続は生じないことになる。




Section 16. Parental Authority.  
Except in cases where the biological parent is the spouse of the adopter, all legal ties between the biological parent(s) and the adoptee shall be severed and the same shall then be vested on the adopter(s)


Section 17. Legitimacy.   
The adoptee shall be considered the legitimate son/daughter of the adopter(s) for all intents and purposes and as such is entitled to all the rights and obligations provided by law to legitimate sons/daughters born to them without discrimination of any kind. To this end, the adoptee is entitled to love, guidance, and support in keeping with the means of the family.


Section 18. Succession.   
In legal and intestate succession, the adopter(s) and the adoptee shall have reciprocal rights of succession without distinction from legitimate filiation. However, if the adoptee and his/her biological parent(s) had left a will, the law on testamentary succession shall govern.








Article 983. If illegitimate children survive with legitimate children, the shares of the former shall be in the proportions prescribed by article 895. (n)


Article 895. The legitime of each of the acknowledged natural children and each of the natural children by legal fiction shall consist of one-half of the legitime of each of the legitimate children or descendants.


Art. 165. Children conceived and born outside a valid marriage are illegitimate, unless otherwise provided in this Code







Article 997. When the widow or widower survives with legitimate parents or ascendants, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to one-half of the estate, and the legitimate parents or ascendants to the other half. (836a)









よって、Cが2分の1 BDが4分の1ずつの相続分となる。




Article 1000. If legitimate ascendants, the surviving spouse, and illegitimate children are left, the ascendants shall be entitled to one-half of the inheritance, and the other half shall be divided between the surviving spouse and the illegitimate children so that such widow or widower shall have one-fourth of the estate, and the illegitimate children the other fourth. (841a)


Article 985. In default of legitimate children and descendants of the deceased, his parents and ascendants shall inherit from him, to the exclusion of collateral relatives.


Article 990. The hereditary rights granted by the two preceding articles to illegitimate children shall be transmitted upon their death
to their descendants, who shall inherit by right of representation from their deceased grandparent. (941a)










この点に関しては、傍系の親族のみならず、祖父母が被相続人となる場合にも代襲が認められないのかが最高裁で争われた(ANSELMA DIAZ vs INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT and FELISA PAMUTI JARDIN)。






Article 992. An illegitimate child has no right to inherit ab intestato from the legitimate children and relatives of his father or mother; nor shall such children or relatives inherit in the same manner from the illegitimate child.


Article 989. If, together with illegitimate children, there should survive descendants of another illegitimate child who is dead, the former shall succeed in their own right and the latter by right of representation.


Article 989. If, together with illegitimate children, there should survive descendants of another illegitimate child who is dead, the former shall succeed in their own right and the latter by right of representation. (940a)


Article 990. The hereditary rights granted by the two preceding articles to illegitimate children shall be transmitted upon their death to their descendants, who shall inherit by right of representation from their deceased grandparent. (941a)








Article 1001. Should brothers and sisters or their children survive with the widow or widower, the latter shall be entitled to one-half of the inheritance and the brothers and sisters or their children to the other half. (953, 837a)






Article 995. In the absence of legitimate descendants and ascendants, and illegitimate children and their descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate, the surviving spouse shall inherit the entire estate, without prejudice to the rights of brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces, should there be any, under article 1001. (946a)








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