The overview of establishing a Stock Company in Japan
There are four types of company under the Japanese Companies Act.
・Stock company
・Limited liability company
・General partnership company
・Limited partnership company
However, most companies operated in Japan are stock companies.
Here is an overview of establishing a Stock Company for foreign residents in Japan
@ Writing Articles of Incorporation
Trade name
Place of principal office
At least one director
At least one shareholder, etc.
A Notarization of the articles of incorporation
Notarization fee : 50,000 yen
Revenue stamps : 40,000 yen
B Remittance of capital to account of incorporator
C Application for registration and registration of company seal at the Legal Affairs Bureau
Registration fee : at least 150,000 yen
Before starting the procedure above, you should check the following points
a registered personal seal
Foreigners living in Japan can register a personal seal. The city office connects it with your identity. The certificate describes your name, address, and personal seal. Basically, the certificate can be obtained only by you yourself. Therefore, the certificate can proof that the person who has the certificate and the seal shown on it probably is you yourself.
The local Legal Affairs Bureau checks your identity with the certificate and the seal on the required documents.
a bank account
(Domestic banks or Japanese branches of foreign banks)One of the documents to be handed in to the local government office is a photo copy of bank statement. The photo copy certifies the capital fund. The bank is required to be one of the domestic banks or Japanese branches of foreign banks. It is very difficult to open a bank account without a certificate of foreign registration.
Then you should check that you can open a bank account in the first place.
When no incorporators have a bank account in Japan, the bank account held by the representative director in corporation can be used to proof the capital fund.
a company seal
When you submit the document to the local government office, you can also register your company’s seal. It takes longer time to make a seal than other procedure. It is better to order a company’s seal earlier than other procedure.
- 会社設立の流れ(株式会社)
- 会社設立の大まかな流れを説明しています。